Economy; Census 2011 and Human development report

  • Census 2011 –
    • Was the 15th national census.
    • All states and UT’s showed increase in literacy rates during 2001-2011.
    • India has second largest population of older people (60+).
    • Till 2026 older persons to be about 173 million.
    • Top 5 states in sex ratio. (0-6 age group)
      • Mizoram > Meghalaya > Andaman and Nicobar > Pondicherry > Chhattisgarh.
    • Top 5 states with maximum population.
      • Uttar Pradesh > Maharashtra > Bihar > West Bengal > Andhra Pradesh.
    • Top 5 states with minimum population.
      • Goa < Sikkim < Tripura < Nagaland < Mizoram.
    • Top 5 states with highest literacy.
      • Kerala > Mizoram > Goa > Tripura > Himachal Pradesh.
  • UIDAI (unique identification authority of India) –
    • In this a 12 digits number is linked with basic biometric information of the person including photograph, iris and the finger prints.
  • Inclusive development –
    • Participative type of development and empowers every individual.
    • Its elements are –
      • Poverty reduction and increase in quality and quantity of employment.
      • Agricultural development.
      • Reduction in regional disparities.
      • Social sector development.
      • And protecting the environment.
  • Human development report –
    • First published by United Nations development programme (UNDP) in 1990.
      • Human development report (HDR) concept was started by Pakistani economist Mahbub-ul-haq and Amartya sen.
      • Human development index (HDI) is an equiweighted average of –
        • Life expectancy index (LEI). (at birth)
        • Educational attainment index (EAI) –
          • EAI =  0.66 x ALR (adult literacy rate) + 0.33 x CER (combined enrollment ratio)
        • Standard of living index (SLI). (concept of purchasing power parity)
      • HDI = 0.33 x (LEI + EAI + SLI)
      • HDI has four categories –
        • Very high human development.
        • High human development.
        • Medium human development. (India, China, Sri Lanka, etc.)
        • Low human development. (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc.)
  • Rural poverty –
    • Rangrajan panel report (2014) –
      • States that are (3/10) poor.
      • Dismissed Tendulkar committee suggestions on determining poverty line.
      • States that 29.14% are poor.
    • Some efforts by government to eradicate rural poverty are –
      • Legal elimination of bonded labors.
      • Antyodaya plan.
      • Small farmers development programme. (SFDF)
      • Twenty point programme.
      • Food for work programme.
      • Minimum needs programme. (MNP)
      • Integrated rural development programme. (IRDP)
      • National rural employment programme. (NREP)
      • Indra rural awas yogna. (IAY)
      • Prime minister rojgar yogna. (PMRY)
      • Desert development programme. (DDP)
      • Drought prone area development programme. (DPAP)
  • Urban poverty –
    • Pace of urbanization is set to increase and with it urban poverty and urban slums are also expected to increase.
      • Some efforts by government to eradicate urban poverty are –
        • Emphasis on vocational education.
        • Nehru rojgar yogna. (NRY)
        • Self employment programmee for urban poor. (SEPUP)
        • Financial assistance for constructing houses.
        • Self employment to the educated urban youth programmee. (SEEUY)
        • Prime minister rojgar yojna. (PMRY)
        • National social assistance programmee. (NSAP)
        • And urban basic services for the poor. (UBSP)

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