Economy; Characteristics, NITI Aayog and NDC

  • Indian economy is the 5th largest by nominal GDP and 3rd largest by purchasing power parity.
  • Main characteristics of Indian economy –
    • Agrarian economy.
      • Agricultural activity dominates in both gross national product and employment.
    • Mixed economy.
      • Both public and private sector co-exists.
      • This term was coined by J M Keynes.
      • India opted for mixed economy in the industrial policy of 1948.
    • Developing economy.
      • Features which shows are –
        • Low per capita income.
        • Occupational pattern is biased towards primary sector.
        • Heavy population pressure.
        • Prevalence of chronic unemployment and under employment.
        • Steadily improving rate of capital formation.
        • Low capital per head.
        • Unequal distribution of wealth / assets.
  • The planning commission of India –
    • Was setup in 15th March 1950.
    • Chairman was Jawaharlal Nehru.
    • Was formed by a resolution of union cabinet.
    • It was an extra constitutional and non-statutory body.
  • NITI (National institution for transforming India) aayog –
    • Came into existence on 1st January 2015.
    • Policy making think-tank of government.
    • Aims to involve states in economic policy making.
    • Will be providing strategic and technical advice to the central and the state governments.
  • Structure of NITI aayog –
    • Headed by prime minister.
    • Governing council comprising chief ministers of states and heads of all the union territories.
    • In addition there is regional council comprising of CM’s and Lieutenant governors of UT’s.
      • Are mandated to develop plans that are region specific.
    • It basically comprises of –
      • Chairperson.
      • Vice chairperson.
      • Ex-officio members.
      • Special invitees.
      • Full time members.
      • Governing council.
      • And the CEO.
  • National development council –
    • Was an extra constitutional and legal body.
    • Was constituted to build cooperation between the states and the planning commission for economic planning.
    • Was setup in 6th August 1952 by government’s proposal.
    • PM was the ex-officio chairman.
    • Members were union cabinet ministers, chief ministers, and finance ministers of all the states, lieutenant governors of UT’s and governors of centrally ruled states.
    • Plans by the planning commission have to be passed by the NDC first.
    • Now the government council has replaced the national development council (NDC).
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