Economy; Political organizations

  • Political organizations –
    • Common wealth nations –
      • Established on 28th April 1949.
      • Headquarter is in Marlborough house, London, UK.
      • Member states – 54.
      • Member states cooperate within a frame work of common values and goals, as outlined in the Singapore declaration. These include promotion of –
        • Democracy.
        • Human rights.
        • Good governance.
        • The rule of law.
        • Individual liberty.
        • Egalitarianism.
        • Free trade.
        • Multi literalism.
        • And world peace.
      • All members except Mozambique and Rwanda were part of British Empire.
    • The non aligned movement (NAM) –
      • Is the group of states which are not aligned formally with or against any major power bloc.
      • Founded in 1961 in Belgrade.
      • Headquarter is in Jakarta, Indonesia.
      • Member states – 120 and 17 observer countries.
      • Founder states were India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Egypt and Ghana.
    • Association of south east Asian nations (ASEAN) –
      • Was established on 8th Aug 1967, in Bangkok, Thailand.
      • With the signing of ASEAN declaration (Bangkok declaration).
      • Founding members were Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
    • South Asian association for regional cooperation (SAARC) –
      • Founded on December, 1985.
      • Dedicated to economic, technological, social and cultural development emphasizing collective self reliance.
      • 7 founding members are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
      • Its secretariat is based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
      • SAARC secretariat coordinates and monitors implementation of activities, prepares for services meetings and serves as channel of communication between the association and its member states as well as other regional organizations.
      • The secretariat is headed by the secretary general who is appointed by the council of ministers from member states in alphabetical order for a three year term.
      • The secretary general is assisted by eight directors on deputation from the member states.
      • The SAARC secretariat and member states observes 8th December as the “SAARC charter day”.
    • European union (EU) –
      • Is an economic and political union.
      • Founded on 1st Nov 1993.
      • Member countries – 28.
      • Members are primarily located in Europe.
      • Received Nobel peace prize in 2012.
    • Indian ocean rim association for regional cooperation (IOR-ARC) –
      • Founded in 1995.
      • Headquarter is in Ebene city, Mauritius.
      • Member countries – 20.
      • Main objective is to promote balanced growth and sustainable development of the region and member states.
    • South Asian preferential trading agreement (SAPTA) –
      • In Dec 1991, the sixth SAARC summit held in Colombo approved the establishment of an Inter governmental group (IGG) to formulate an agreement to establish a SAPTA by 1997.
      • The agreement was signed on 11th April 1993 and entered into force on 7th Dec 1995.
    • Bay of Bengal initiative for multi sectoral technical and economical cooperation (BIMSTEC) –
      • Established on 6th June, 1997.
      • Headquarter is in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
      • Member states are Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Nepal.
      • Main objective is to promote multi sectoral cooperation for economic and social progress of the Bay of Bengal region.
      • Member countries agreed to create the BIMSTEC free trade area framework agreement in order to promote international trade and investment in the region.
    • Free trade agreement (FTA) –
      • India and Sri Lanka have FTA for more than a decade.
      • Agreement was signed on 28th Dec,1999.
      • India has emerged as Sri Lanka’s biggest importing source with 18%, followed by china 16% and Singapore 9% of the total imports.
    • Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) –
      • Headquarter is in Beijing, China.
      • Member countries – 8.
      • Founded in 2001 in Shanghai, as an extension of Shanghai five.
      • It is an inter government mutual security organization.
    • India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA) –
      • Established on 2003.
      • To promote south – south cooperation.
      • Facilitating the trilateral exchange of information, technologies and skills to complement each other’s strengths.
      • And to promote international poverty alleviation and equitable development.
    • South Asian free trade area (SAFTA) –
      • It is an agreement reached on 6th Jan, 2004 at the 12th SAARC summit in Islamabad.
      • It created a free trade area of 1.6 billion people in Bangladesh, Bhutan, india, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
    • BRICS.
      • It comprises of Brazil, Russia, India, china and South Africa.
      • Founded on June 2006.
      • Are all deemed to be at similar stage of newly advanced economic development.
      • RSA formally became member on 24th December 2010, after being formally invited by the BRIC countries..
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