Geography; Lakes, Fluvial landforms, Karst landforms and Glaciers

  • Lakes –
    • Tarn Lake / Alpine Lake.
      • Associated with glacial regions. (areas glaciated in past)
      • Forms cirque.
      • Example: Along the slopes of Adirondack mountain (from the last ice age), along European Alps (recent glaciations) etc.
    • Rift Valley Lake.
      • Occurs in areas where rocks are pulling apart.
      • Example: Nyasa (The rift valley which cuts through Asia and Africa, contains the largest group of such lakes) etc.
    • Crater Lake.
      • Forms at a volcanic peak, when an extinct volcano collapses.
      • Example: Lake of Oregon.
    • Deflation Lake.
      • Usually occurs in deserts.
      • Wind blows out depressions in the sand creating Oasis.
    • Oxbow Lake.
      • Formed by curved river meander that was cut off by sediments or other means, creating a bowed shaped lake.
      • Example: at Mississippi river.
    • Artificial Lake.
      • Damming of a river.
  • Fluvial landforms –
    • Feature resulting from the movement of water on the earth surface. The two types of landforms made are:
      • Erosion landforms.
        • Example: U shaped valley, Potholes, Meanders, River terraces, Plunge pools etc.
      • Depositional landforms.
        • Example: Alluvial plains, Deltas, Flood plains, Natural levees, Point bars etc.
  • Karst landforms –
    • Any limestone or dolomite region showing typical landforms produced by the action of ground water, through the process of solution and deposition. The two types of landforms made are:
      • Erosion landforms.
        • Example: Pools, Sinkholes, Lapis and Limestone pavement, Caves etc.
      • Depositional landforms.
        • Example: Stalactites, Stalagmites, Pillars etc.
  • Glaciers –
    • Mass of ice moving at a speed of approx. 15 to 18 m per day.
    • Formed at high altitude due to too low temperature and high aerographic precipitation.
    • Glaciers moves basically due to force of gravity.
    • Generally two types of landforms are made by glaciers:
      • Erosion landforms.
        • Example: Cirque / Corrie, U shaped valley, Horns, Glacial troughs, Hanging valley etc.
      • Depositional landforms.
        • Example: Moraines, Eskers, Outwash plains, Drumlins etc.
  • Coastal landforms –
    • Formed through sea waves, aided by current tides and storms in coastal areas.
    • Coastal processes are the most dynamic and destructive.
    • The two types of landforms made by sea and oceanic waves are:
      • Erosion landforms.
        • Example: Cliffs, Terraces, Caves, Stacks etc.
      • Depositional landforms.
        • Example: Beaches, Dunes, Bars, Barriers, Splits etc.
  • Aeolian Landforms –
    • Regions where erosion and deposition by wind are dominant geomorphic forces in shaping the landforms.
    • Are formed in hot deserts, coastal zones and fields.
    • The two types of Aeolian landforms are:
      • Erosion landforms.
        • Example: Pediments, Pedi plains, Playas, Deflation hallows, Cave mushroom rock, Table rock, Pedestal rocks etc.
      • Depositional landforms.
        • Example: Sand dunes, Barchans, Seifs etc.
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