Geography; Tectonics, Margins, Drift theory and Earthquakes

  • Plate tectonics theory –
    • Describe the large scale motion of lithosphere.
    • States that lithosphere is divided into several rigid segments called plates, it includes both oceanic and and continental crusts.
    • Plates moves on asthenosphere. (solid which flows under stress)
    • About 20 such plates are identified.
    • Seven major plates are:
      • Eurasia.
      • Antarctica.
      • North America.
      • South America.
      • Pacific.
      • African.
      • And Indian plate.
    • Various intermediate size plates such as:
      • China.
      • Philippine.
      • Arabian.
      • Iran.
      • Nazaca.
      • Cocos.
      • Caribbean.
      • And Scotia plates.
    • Depending upon the type of movement, plate margins are –
      • Divergent margin. (constructive)
        • Plate moves apart with upwelling from mantle.
        • Formation of mid oceanic ridges.
        • Example: Surtsey Island along with mid Atlantic ridges.
      • Convergent margin. (destructive)
        • Two plates collide, one plate bending downward and subducting below the other.
        • Formation of deep oceanic trench and Fold Mountains.
        • Example: Himalayan boundary fault, Pacific ring of fire etc.
      • Parallel plate margin. (constructive/tansform boundary)
        • Plates slides past one another without the creation or destruction of crust.
        • Example: San Andreas Fault along western cost of USA (Mexico) is a famous transform fault.
  • Continental drift theory –
    • By Alfred Wagener in 1915.
    • About 250 million year ago, only one continent (Pangea) and one mass of water body (Panthalassa) was there.
    • Breaking process started about 200 million year ago.
    • Northern rift cuts Pangaea from east to west creating Eurasia in the north and Gondwanaland in south. A shallow sea called Tethys was situated between.
  • Earthquakes –
    • Caused by endogenetic forces.
    • Magnitude or intensity of energy released is measured by Richter scale.
    • Damage caused is measured by modified Mercalli intensity scale.
    • Study is known as seismology.
    • Seismic waves are of three types:
      • Primary waves.(P waves)
        • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency.
        • Longitudinal waves.
        • Can travel through solid, liquid and gas.
      • Secondary waves.(S waves)
        • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency.
        • Transverse wave.
        • Travels through all solid particles.
      • Surface waves or long waves.(L waves)
        • Waves of long wavelength, confined to the skin of the earth crust.
        • It causes most of the structural damage.
    • Homoseismal lines: Imaginary lines where waves arrives at the same time.
  • Eurasian plate is static while Indian plate is moving south to north at 5 cm/year.
    • Due to this earthquake occurs in Himalayan region, and height of Himalayas is increasing at the speed of 1 cm/year.
  • Most of the world earthquakes  occur in –
    • The zone of young fold mountain.
    • The zone of folding and faulting.
    • Zones of junction of continental and oceanic margin.
    • Zones of active volcanoes.
    • Along different plate boundaries.
  • Traditional zones  of earthquakes –
    • Circum Pacific belt.
    • Mid Continental belt.
    • Mid Atlantic belt.
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