Indian Geo; Location and Geological survey of India

  • Often described as a tropical country although a large part lies in sub-tropics.
    • 80 4’ N, 370 6’ N latitudes and 680 7’ E, 970 25’ E longitudes.
  • Area: Russia > Canada > USA > China > Brazil > Australia > India.
  • Total area: 32, 87,263 km2. (2.4% of the world)
  • Longest coastline state: Gujarat.
  • Active volcano: Barren Island. (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)
  • Northern most point: Indira col.
  • Southern most point: Indira point / Pygmalion point in Great Nicobar.
  • India is 5.5 hours ahead of the GMT / UTC. (82½0 E)
  • Geological survey of India divides geological formations of India into four groups:
    • The Archean system
      • Gneiss and schist rocks. (3 billion + years old)
      • Dharwar rocks. (2- 3 billion years old)
      • Initial crustal strata; rich in metallic minerals like Fe, Mn and Au etc.
      • Oldest rock on earth crust.
      • Are all azoic or unfossiliferous. (devoid of any sediment and any form of life)
    • The purana rock system.
      • Cuddapah series of rocks. (1 – 1.5 billion years old)
      • Vindhyan series of rocks. (0.5 – 1 billion years old)
      • Predominantly sedimentary; consists of sand stones and limestone’s etc.
      • South east Rajasthan to Bundelkhand to Bihar, south Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
    • Dravidian system.
      • Rocks aged between 300 – 500 millions of years.
      • Thick deposits are at J & K, Himanchal Pradesh, and uttarakhand.
    • Aryan system.
      • Rocks formations ranging from Upper Carboniferous to recent.
      • The godwana series of rocks are of sedimentary nature.
      • Include fossils of living organisms and they comprise of 98% of the coal reserves of the country.
      • Largely found in Damodar valley (Jharkhand), Mahanadi valley (Orissa) and Godaveri valley (south Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andra Pradesh).
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