Polity; Article 52-300(a), Duties, Parliament and Supreme court

  • Part 5 (article 52 to 151) – it deals with the duties and functions of the union government. (president, prime minister, ministers, both houses, attorney general and comptroller and auditor general)
    • Article 52 to 78 – deals with the president.
      • Article 53 – military powers of the president.
      • Article 54, 55 and 71 – deals with the presidential election.
      • Article 56, 57 – term of office and emolument.
      • Article 58 – qualification of president.
      • Article 61 – deals about the impeachment of the president.
      • Article 62 – vacancy of the president.
      • Article 63 – says there should be a vice president.
      • Article 72 – various pardoning powers of the president.
      • Article 75 – deals with appointment of a prime minister.
      • Article 76 – deals with the appointment of attorney general.
      • Article 77 – judicial powers and functions of the president.
    • Article 79 to 123 – deals with the parliament of the country.
      • Article 79 – states that the parliament consists of the president, the council of state (Rajya sabha) and the house of the people (Lok sabha).
      • Article 80 – discusses about the Rajya sabha.
      • Article 81 – discusses about the Lok sabha.
    • Article 124 to 147 – deals with the Supreme Court of India.
      • Article 129 – states about the court of record.                  
      • Article 131 – deals with the original jurisdiction.
      • Article 132 (1), 133 (1) and 134 – deals with the appellate jurisdiction.
      • Article 137 – discusses about the review jurisdiction.
      • Article 143 – states about the advisory jurisdiction.
  • Part 6 (article 152 to 237) – deals with the government at the state level.
    • Article 158 – it lays down the conditions for the governor’s office.
    • Article 164 (1) – states that the chief minister is appointed by the governor.
    • Article 170 (1) – states that in legislative assembly members must not exceed 500 and must not be less than 60.
    • Article 171 (3) – state council is constituted as per this article.
  • Part 7 – based on the recommendations of Fazal Ali commission (setup in 1953), Nehru passed the States reorganization Act 1956, as a result part 7 was abolished in 1956 to ensure equal leveling among all states.
  • Part 8 (article 239 to 241) – it deals with the union territories.
  • Part 9 (article 243) – it deals with the panchayats and the municipalities.
  • Part 10 (article 244 and 244 (A)) – deals with the scheduled and tribal areas.
    • Article 244 – deals with the administration.
    • Article 244 (A) – deals with the formation of autonomous state comprising certain tribal areas in Assam and creation of local legislature or council of ministers or both therefore.
  • Part 11 (article 245 to 263) – deals with the relationship between union and states.
    • Article 249, 250 and 253 – states the legislative relations.
    • Article 260 and 263 – states the administrative relations.
  • Part 12 (article 264 to 300 (A)) – it deals with the finance, property, contracts and suits.
    • Article 266 (1) – states about the consolidated fund of India.
    • Article 266 (2) – states about the public account.
    • Article 267 – states about the contingency fund of India.
    • Article 268, 269 and 280 – states the financial relations between the centre and the state.
    • Article 280 – states about the finance commission.
    • Article 300 (A) – deals with the right to property as a legal right by the constitution following the 44th amendment act, 1978.
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